Thursday 14 July 2011

Looking at life

Today I'm in charge of my first own time-course experiment. Every hour I look at living fibroblasts in a dish (on a specific medium) and hope for some changes between images. At the end I should have a sequence from which a short movie could be produced, using ImageJ software, which I already downloaded on my laptop and had already used during Cellular & Molecular Imaging module practicals.

In between taking images I finished immunostaining of Sangeeta's experiment and made a microscope slide, threw away dying cells from cultures, looked at other cells if they are happy or need passaging and cleaned the desk with ethanol. The lab is my workplace and I've found myself trying to keep it as tidy as possible. I think it should be helpful when I start working in a bit more crowded laboratory (in honesty - working in a less crowded one wouldn't be possible, but I like it!). I see good points of my summer practice every day.

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